Midweek Matcha - O-Cha's Uji Organic Matcha

Today I tried  Uji OrganicMatcha from O-Cha. I did not expect much from this matcha because O-Cha sells two powdered senchas for roughly the same price, so I was surprised by how good it was. It’s a tiny bit bitter and less complex then higher quality matchas, but this is probably the best matcha I had at this price point. When brewed it makes a lovely deep green, I was surprised at how dark it became, but at the same time I was disappointed I couldn’t get it to foam that much. Next time I’ll have to make it with a different chawan.


Just a guy who likes tea.


  1. According to my experience, organic Matcha is not complex in its taste. But this is also advantageous: Middle grades are not so bitter like conventional Matcha.
    Looks like it might be worth trying this Matcha :)

    1. Yeah, I rarely have had a complex organic matcha, but then again most of the organic matchas I have tried, like you said, have been middle grades.

      It's definitely worth trying, a lot of flavor for the price.
